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HKH is locally owned company created about a decade ago. Initially the company caters for Fast Food and take away services. Later the company expands its venture in the BISCUITS, CAKES and CHIPS of customer liking. HKH market its products under the brand name of MOKAM. These products are properly packed in gracefully designed containers and boxes in sizes that are convenient to customers needs. They are also prepared with no compromise to hygiene standard. And all products are HALAL. Without any PRESERVATIVES, so no doubt addictive!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Yes U Can Also Visit Us @ The Sumbangsih Mulia located at the Beribi Industrial Estate Area.


Great Wall of CHINA~:)

Peng Peiyun, Vice Chairperson of Standing Committe of The National People's Congress and President of the ACWF.


Malacca International Trade Center.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

APEC WLN Meeting 2001

Japan Foodex 2005

Bowh Model Dari JAPAN;)

FREE TASTER!!!!*yummy!*

'You want more?'.. 'Owh Yeah SURE!!!!'

Brunei Darussalam's booth @ Foodex Japan

Huhu They Like The Pineapple Roll So Much!!

We like SUSHI as much as they like the KUIH MOR!